Monday, April 23, 2007

Glorious weather brings moffs...

Well, it's always nice to catch the first moths of spring, and especially so when one of them is new for the old back yard list. After some initial faffing around this season due to me leaving ALL my moth gear up at the cottage last July before departing for UK , I was able to "borrow" back an old trap from a friend in order to get things started - thanks Karen for bringing this vital equipment over!

First night I caught nothing! This in spite of warm overnight temperatures. Last night I trapped two moths. We'll see how it progresses from here. Is always slow in the city for spring moth catching.

This is a small micro in the family Tischeriidae, quite possibly Tischeria zelleriella but I'm not confident enough to call it for sure. Is a small shiny buff moth with a deeper orange-yellow head and shading on outer half of the forewing. If I nail the id. I'll be sure to let you, the waiting world, know all about it...

This is Phigalia strigataria, the Small Phigalia. I was most pleased with this since I'd not seen one for many years and didn't have decent photos. It was sitting on the top of the trap when I went out early this morning to check for birds flying over. Was new for the back yard list - hooray! It is a common geometrid in southern Ontario which is on the wing fron April to mid May. The larvae feed on American Elm and other trees.

There were a few birds whizzing over early on. New for the yard for the year were Chipping Sparrow (4), Common Loon (6), Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Yellow-rumped Warbler and an early Chimney Swift. Up to 42 species now which is more in line with the average for this date.


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