Special feature - "Last Moth of the Year"...
Since I'll be away over the New Year celebrations I thought I'd introduce you to this special feature. Special? Well, only cuz it only happens once a year! And, as we all know, things that only happen once a year ARE quite special...aren't they? Anyway, this is a special moth in my mind. For starters it looks as though it has been carved out of gold...and you can't say that about many moths I can tell you. It has those crazy palps (on the front of the head) that curve gracefully upwards. It has those remarkable russet and violet squiggly lines on the wings which are totally surreal...if you are into that sort of thing...
This is Plusiodonta compressipalpis, more commonly known as the Moonseed Moth. It is very scarce in southern Ontario, where it right on the northern edge of it's range. The larvae feed on Moonseed Vine and the adult moth is on the wing throughout the mid summer period. This individual was trapped, photographed and released at South Walsingham, Ontario in July a couple of years ago. It remains the only one I've ever seen. I was lucky to obtain this photo because upon taking the tray out of the trap the moth immediately flew off! I'd had a split second view, knew what it was and was devastated that it deserted me! "Get that moth" I shouted to Mike...and, true to form, he did! I was totally amazed (and gratified) and was very careful with it thereafter!
I hope you, my faithful readers, all had a great time over Christmas (I know that some of you did!). I also hope that the new year is good to you...